Double Glazed Folding Glass System


Double Glazed Folding Glass System

Double Glazed Folding Glass System

The highly adaptable modern design of Foldterm is an ideal solution for protecting living spaces from poor conditions. The rubber wicks created by the advanced technical equipment of Eliz provides safe living spaces by minimizing leakage and air passage. Foldterm, being highly adaptable to the seasonal changes, brings fresh air to living spaces thanks to its concurrently folding panels.

Technicial Specifications
SystemMax. WidthMaks. HeightGlass TypeBase WidthPanel Width

Foldterm 211

Project Size

2500 mm


40 mmMax. 850 mm
Declaration of ConformityDOWNLOAD  
OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management SystemDOWNLOAD  
ISI 14001:2015 Environmental management systemDOWNLOAD  
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management SystemDOWNLOAD  
Trademark Registration CertificateDOWNLOAD  
