Garden Fence Systems


Garden Fence Systems

Garden Fence Systems

New genera on Garden Fence Systems, with its strong, aesthetic and easy applicability features, is enhancing sound insula on in your buildings. These are maintenance-free, corrosion-free and nondefec tive systems that are alternative to steel and wood fence systems by cutting and joining with screws in desired dimensions with the profile system that provides alternative opportunities thanks to its modular structure. Garden fence systems provide not only security, but also a modern and aesthetic appearance, while providing sound insulation. Our systems are developed and designed in accordance with the building standards by passing many tests against high wind loads.

Declaration of ConformityDOWNLOAD  
OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management SystemDOWNLOAD  
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management SystemDOWNLOAD  
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management SystemDOWNLOAD  
Trademark Registration CertificateDOWNLOAD  



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